Frequently Asked Questions about Weatherization
What is the Weatherization Program?
The Weatherization Program, funded through the U.S. Department of Energy and Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, provides energy efficiency and safety improvements to low-income households at no cost to the household, within Federal and State program limits. The program’s primary goal is to reduce household energy costs.
How do I get an application?
Applications are available online, at our office (1517 S. Industrial Way, #8, Palmer), and are available through the mail. To receive an application in the mail, please call us at (907) 746-5680 (outside Mat-Su call toll-free 800-478-8080).
What are the income-limits for the Weatherization Program?
Income limits are established on an annual basis and are adjusted for household size. All occupants of the home (even non-family members) count as members of the household. Income limits vary by region. Please see the application or Alaska CDC weatherization web page for your regional income guidelines and service areas.
Is the weatherization program available for rental units, condos and mobile homes?
Yes, the Weatherization program is available for renters and also for condos and mobile homes. Landlord approval will be required on rental units.
Will homes that have been weatherized in the past be eligible for the weatherization program?
If a home was weatherized prior to May 14, 2008, it may be eligible to be re-weatherized if the household meets the income guidelines. Previously weatherized homes will not be as high a priority as those never weatherized.
As a landlord, how much does the Weatherization Program cost me?
There is no mandatory landlord contribution; however, there are lower funding limits for rental units. Landlord contributions can be matched to exceed these rental unit funding limits. Please see application details or contact us for more information.
How much does the program cost the applicant?
The Weatherization Program is funded through state and federal funding and there is no charge to the applicant.
I am a tenant and my landlord will not sign the Landlord Tenant agreement. What do I do?
We cannot weatherize housing without the owner’s consent, and the owner is not required by law to provide consent. You can try providing more information to the landlord about the benefits of weatherization, but it is the landlord’s right to decline assistance from the program.
How long will I wait for assistance?
Depending on program funding levels, the timing of funding, number of active eligible applicants and your priority level you could wait six months or more for service.
I qualify for Weatherization assistance. Will my windows and doors be replaced?
The Weatherization Program prioritizes improvements that have the greatest energy savings and all items must be cost effective. Windows and doors are not usually replaced because they don’t meet the cost effective requirement. Air-sealing, insulation, heating system work and addressing ventilation issues are most commonly done. The assessor who evaluates your home will determine what improvements the program can make.
What service areas does your program cover?
Alaska CDC provides weatherization assistance to: Mat-Su Borough, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Copper River area, Tok area, Kodiak, Haines, Gustavus, Ketchikan, Sitka, and Wrangell.
The Weatherization Program, funded through the U.S. Department of Energy and Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, provides energy efficiency and safety improvements to low-income households at no cost to the household, within Federal and State program limits. The program’s primary goal is to reduce household energy costs.
How do I get an application?
Applications are available online, at our office (1517 S. Industrial Way, #8, Palmer), and are available through the mail. To receive an application in the mail, please call us at (907) 746-5680 (outside Mat-Su call toll-free 800-478-8080).
What are the income-limits for the Weatherization Program?
Income limits are established on an annual basis and are adjusted for household size. All occupants of the home (even non-family members) count as members of the household. Income limits vary by region. Please see the application or Alaska CDC weatherization web page for your regional income guidelines and service areas.
Is the weatherization program available for rental units, condos and mobile homes?
Yes, the Weatherization program is available for renters and also for condos and mobile homes. Landlord approval will be required on rental units.
Will homes that have been weatherized in the past be eligible for the weatherization program?
If a home was weatherized prior to May 14, 2008, it may be eligible to be re-weatherized if the household meets the income guidelines. Previously weatherized homes will not be as high a priority as those never weatherized.
As a landlord, how much does the Weatherization Program cost me?
There is no mandatory landlord contribution; however, there are lower funding limits for rental units. Landlord contributions can be matched to exceed these rental unit funding limits. Please see application details or contact us for more information.
How much does the program cost the applicant?
The Weatherization Program is funded through state and federal funding and there is no charge to the applicant.
I am a tenant and my landlord will not sign the Landlord Tenant agreement. What do I do?
We cannot weatherize housing without the owner’s consent, and the owner is not required by law to provide consent. You can try providing more information to the landlord about the benefits of weatherization, but it is the landlord’s right to decline assistance from the program.
How long will I wait for assistance?
Depending on program funding levels, the timing of funding, number of active eligible applicants and your priority level you could wait six months or more for service.
I qualify for Weatherization assistance. Will my windows and doors be replaced?
The Weatherization Program prioritizes improvements that have the greatest energy savings and all items must be cost effective. Windows and doors are not usually replaced because they don’t meet the cost effective requirement. Air-sealing, insulation, heating system work and addressing ventilation issues are most commonly done. The assessor who evaluates your home will determine what improvements the program can make.
What service areas does your program cover?
Alaska CDC provides weatherization assistance to: Mat-Su Borough, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Copper River area, Tok area, Kodiak, Haines, Gustavus, Ketchikan, Sitka, and Wrangell.